Admission & Aid
We want to get to know you through your application, to hear your voice and explore your potential. We hope you get to know yourself better through the application process, too.
When you decide to apply to COTHM you will have the opportunity to explore courses across the programs and departments that make up our college, crossing disciplines and charting your own unique academic path.
We recognize that the application process might seem challenging; selecting the right undergraduate or graduate program is an important decision. Our admissions team is available to help you navigate this critical journey and make a choice that will affect your intellectual and creative potential in profound ways.

Degree and diploma
programs offered
ratio of our
of graduates had two or
more internships as
The criteria for admission have been prepared to enable the Admissions Office to select students who have potential to do college-level work and to place students in courses and programs appropriate to the student’s academic preparation, in an effort to help them successfully realize their academic potential.
The students come from many different cities as well as from different countries and bring with them a wide range of academic disciplines, experiences, special interests, talents and cultural heritages. The Admissions Office aims to form a student body, which will give the opportunity to each student to share education and grow in experience as a member of an international community.
In general, all applicants must have completed a secondary (high) College education or the equivalent of twelve years of Collegeing to be considered for admission. The College recognizes a strong academic performance at high College level as the primary determinant for college level success.
Any person who intends to register for a program/course at the College must first be admitted to the College. Application forms and the most current information about admission requirements can be obtained from the Admissions Office.
Minimum Admission requirements for all programs:
A High College leaving certificate or equivalent qualification is a necessary entry requirement. In the case of overseas applicants their secondary/high College credentials should be sufficient to allow them to apply for admission to post-secondary (higher) educational establishments of their home country.
Each student applying for admission to the college shall submit with his/her application such evidence as the college may require from time to time of proficiency in English (reading, writing oral and comprehension).
Academics council may require any student to undergo any oral or written examination set by the academic council to confirm such proficiency.
Students with a score of 6.0 in IELTS or 550 in TOEFL or 213 TOEFL Computer Based, or evidence of English Proficiency are exempted from the proficiency examination.
Minimum Admission requirements for the Postgraduate Programs:
A Bachelor’s degree, or equivalent, from a recognized institution. Alternatively applicants may possess a professional qualification (or a combination of qualifications) officially recognized as being equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree.
The Director of Admissions is responsible for the evaluation of all applications for admission to the College.
The College has accepted among its responsibilities a commitment to national and international students by providing opportunities to citizens from other countries to study at the College. The College considers the admission of qualified students from other countries a part of its educational program. National and International students enrich the life of the College and contribute to the education and personal growth of students.
All candidates should take and pass the College Entrance Exam in order for them to be accepted and allowed to register as full time students.
The purpose of this exam is to evaluate the students’ level of English before they register for any program of study and to make sure that only candidates who are likely to succeed in their studies are admitted. Any student who passes the exam should be able to attend lectures, communicate and write in English without any difficulty.
Candidates whose average grade is below fifty (50), will be accepted on the Foundation Course or the Intensive Summer Course. In order for them to be admitted to the full time program, they must take and pass the Entrance Exam. If they fail the foundation program and exam they will not accepted to any of the College programs.
The Admissions Office bases its decision on the following factors:
A completed application form
The application for admission may be obtained either in person or by writing to the Director of Admissions. A non-refundable fee must accompany every application.
Official or certified diploma and transcript of secondary (high) College records
The applicant must submit an official transcript of his secondary College record together with the application. Applicants who do not satisfy the above criteria, may be accepted and placed on probation. For candidates applying for admission with advanced standing, an official transcript of their previous college/university record is required.
Evidence of knowledge of English
English is the language of instruction at the College. English is not a requirement for admission. Applicants will give the College English Placement Test (EPT). Applicants who have passed either the TOEFL examination with a minimum score of 550 (213 Computer-Based), English G.C.S.E. (or G.C.E) ‘O’ level with Grade ‘C’ and above or IELTS with a score of 6.0 and above, are exempted from the EPT. Candidates, whose English proficiency is not up to the College standard, will take Foundation English Language Classes.
When the applicant receives an acceptance letter from the Admissions Office then he/she must send the application fee.
Admission Procedures
Local Students
Local applicants should fill out and submit an application for admission to the College. If they have already finished high College they should also attach a photocopy of their high College leaving certificate.
They will then be notified of the exact date and time of the entrance exams.
International Students
International students are most welcome to the College and a student visa will be issued by the Government, provided all admission requirements are met.
Application for Admission
International students are advised to apply for admission as early as possible. Overseas candidates should submit to the College the following documents together with the Application Form:
1. Application for admission duly completed
2. Attested copy of the passport – validity of at least two years from the date classes commence of the semester applied for
3. Four photos passport size
4. Officially attested photocopies of the Senior/High College leaving Certificate with its Grades Report, as issued by the College. Attestations must be made by the Principal of the College, from which the students have graduated, by the Ministry of Education, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by a notary public.
If these are issued in a language other than English, translation in English must accompany the College Certificate and the Grades Report. The translation must be attached to the photocopies of the original certificates, and the documents must be attested. The translator’s name and address must be clearly mentioned on the documents. Additionally, provisional College leaving certificates are acceptable for maximum period of two years after graduation.
5. Original bank letter stating that the student’s sponsor has sufficient funds to finance the student’s stayed and studies in Pakistan. The letter must be dated, signed and stamped by an official bank officer. The student’s name, the sponsor’s name and their relationship should appear clearly in this letter. The sponsor could be the father, mother, the student, the officially appointed guardian, or any other person. If the original is not in English, then an attested (by notary public) translation must be attached to the original. The owner of the deposit account should be either the student or one of his/her parents or brothers and sisters. If the owner of the account is not the applicant, a separate certificate must be issued showing the relationship between the student and the owner of the account.
6. Original police character certificate (no criminal record). It must be issued no more than six (6) months prior to the date classes commence of the semester applied for. The police certificate must be signed and stamped by an official police officer and must be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
7. Any other certificates required by the Ministry of Interior, Pakistan from time to time.
As soon as the application for admission and all supporting documents are received, the Admissions Director will inform the candidate whether he/she qualifies for admission. Eligible candidates will receive a letter of eligibility confirming the terms and conditions on which the candidate is admitted to the College. An applicant, who judged unsatisfactory by the Director of Admissions, will not be eligible for admission.
Eligible candidates should send to the College a certain sum of money representing deposits and prepayments. The exact amount to be paid in advance and all other details such as payment deadlines and refund policy are stated in the section of the Prospectus on Financial Information.
As soon as the College receives the advance payment, it will send the student a receipt and apply for the student’s visa.
Students should not leave their country before receiving confirmation from the College that their visa has been granted. They should also let the College know in advance the date and time of their arrival in Pakistan so that they are welcomed at the airport and driven to Campus.
Before registration students should:
• Take the College Entrance Exams.
• Comply with all visa requirements of the immigration department.
• Possess evidence of negative results of communicable disease tests
• Pay all semester tuition fees and other charges
• Have a chest X-ray taken
• Subscribe to a medical insurance
Courses may be cancelled by the College before the first day of classes due to insufficient enrollment.
All students are provided with an ID card, valid for their academic session, which gives them access to various common areas of the College such as the Library and the Computer Labs.
Students who have started their college education elsewhere and wish to apply for admission to the College as transfer students must submit the following items to the Admissions Office:
A completed application form together with a non-refundable fee.
Official transcripts of all academic records from each institution previously attended, including high College, college/university.
Official course descriptions or syllabi in English for all work completed at the college previously attended.
An official transfer credit evaluation will be made only if all of the above items have been submitted to the Admissions Office.
No objection certificate (No pending financial obligations) will be required.
Financial Information
Tuition and fees are due and payable before the beginning of each semester. The College may permit native students to pay on an installment basis, provided that one fourth of tuition is paid at registration.
Students who have outstanding financial obligations or delinquent accounts with the College will not receive grades, transcripts, diplomas or other documents until their accounts are settled. Please note that a late payment fee will be imposed for all overdue installments.
In case of withdrawal for any reason, any fees paid to the College are not refundable.
For new-coming students, for whom an entry visa to Pakistan is required, who pay tuition fees prior to the issue of their entry visa, the College is obliged to return the full amount of tuition fees (subject to bank charges) prepaid by the students in cases where the students’ arrival to Cyprus was not made possible.
When a local or international student officially withdraws from the College, it is his/her responsibility to file a withdrawal notice at the office of Admissions.
If a student has filed a withdrawal notice at the end of the first semester of his studies, the College reserves the right to charge an administration fee for processing the withdrawal notice.
The College is not responsible for loss or damage of students’ personal property by any means.
Students who have outstanding financial obligations or delinquent accounts with the College will not receive either their diploma/degree or transcript until their accounts have been settled.
The College’s financial aid program exists in order to make the education it offers affordable to all students, who qualify for admission and to act as recognition of performance or special talent.
This scheme applies to all local students, who are offered the possibility of paying only 25% of annual tuition fees in advance and the balance on an installment basis. Easy payment schemes are also offered to international students upon request.
Need – based partial scholarships are available to local and international students. Candidates should first pass the College entrance exams before applying for partial scholarship.
(i) Local students who come from large families (4 children or more) receive 10% discount on their first semester tuition fees throughout their studies.
(ii) Local or international students who belong to the same family (brothers and sisters) each receive 10% discount each on their first semester tuition fees.
(iii) Local students may obtain a discount on their tuition fees for the first semester, depending on the average grade of their high College leaving certificate.
(iv) International students with a GPA over 80% are granted a discount of 10% on their tuition fees for the first semester.
d. Achieving Curricular Excellence (ACE) Scholarships
The Achieving Curricular Excellence Scholarships are no-need-based forms of financial aid made available in recognition of performance or special talent. They are available to all students (local and international) after their first semester at the College and consist of tuition fee reduction for the following semester. To be eligible, students must not have an F (fail) grade in any of their subjects. The percentage reduction will be a function of their academic performance as follows:
Cumulative percentage grade average Fees reduction
96%-100% 100%
90%- 95% 50%
85%- 90% 20%
80%- 85% 10%
Students are expected to attend every lecture of every subject in which they are enrolled. Absences beyond the stated maximum for each course may threaten the student’s academic standing.
Course requirements, such as examinations, tests, oral presentations, practical work, participation in discussion and written assignments are in no sense waived because of absences from class. Instructors are not obliged to cover the missed material twice.
The College has established the following attendance policy:
If a student is absent for any reason he/she must complete and return, within three working days after his/her return to College, to the student affairs officer a prescribed form giving reasons for his/her absence(s).
Minimum attendance to qualify to sit in the final examination is 80%, if attendance is below 75%, student shall pay 5000/- fine and if attendance is below 70%, student shall pay 10000/- fine. If attendance is less than 70%, student will not be permitted to sit in the final examination.
If a student has more than 30% absences in a subject without a valid justification, he/she automatically fails the subject.
The Examination Committee shall review relevant results, student appeals and student application for extension and for relevant supplementary examinations.
The examination committee shall consist of :
- The Chief Operating Office
- Registrar
- A minimum of two faculty members
In making its decisions or recommendation on any matter, the examination committee shall consider all relevant circumstances including:
- The students’ academic record
- The students attendance at subject, lectures and tutorials
- Recommendation from the subject lecturer
- Any other matter imposing on the professional performance of the individual.
Only those students whose fees and other indebtedness to the College have been fully paid will be provided with academic results and invited top graduate.
Each subject will be formally assessed and the nature and criteria for assessment are specified for each subject in the curriculum document.
A student is considered to have passed a subject if the final grade is at least 60%.
The student may precede from one semester to the next if they:
- Passed all subjects of the semester or
- Failed maximum one course.
If the students fail in more than two subjects, they will be required to repeat all the subjects of the semester. In the event of failing a semester second time, the students will be asked to withdraw from the program of study.
A re-take examination may be allowed to a student who receives a Fail grade in maximum one subject in a semester. A maximum mark of 60% can be achieved for this re-take. Re-take examination fee will be charged to the student as per policy.
If a student receives a fail grade in more than two subjects in re-take exam, will be required to repeat that semester.
The final examinations are given in subjects during a designated period of time at the end of each semester.
Attendance at tests and examination is compulsory. Failure to sit for these at the set time and date without written permission from the examination committee will result in 0% results.
All the final results are posted on the college notice board in accordance with the college calendar as well as on E-NOTICE board on . It is the responsibility of the students to check their respective results.
The testing material for the final examinations will be prepared, examined and executed by the Examination board of the college and external academic partners.
Conduct of examination:
1. A student shall not have the followings during any examination:
· Be in possession of any books, notes or diagrams other than those which the examiners have specified may be taken into that particular examination; or
· Directly or indirectly to give assistance to any other student; or
· Directly or indirectly accept assistance from any other student; or
· Permit any other student to copy from or otherwise use his/her paper; or
· Be guilty of any breach of good order or propriety.
2. When a student is alleged to have committing a breach of any of the provision of this statue, he/she in addition to any other penalty which may be imposed, will receive a 0% for that examination.
3. A student who is detected committing a breach of any of the provision of this rule may be summarily dismissed from the examination room.
Deliberate plagiarism is regarded as serious act of academic misconduct. A distinction will be made between deliberate plagiarisms and inadvertent plagiarism through ignorance.
Results and Grades:
The marking of the final examination will be done by external examiners and the students will receive their final results on the official transcripts of the College of Tourism and Hotel Management.
An academic statement of the final grades for the semester will be made mailed to an address advised by the student to keep his guardian aware of his/her performance.
The official grades are as follows:
Letter Grade
Grade meaning
Grade Points
%age Grade
A | Excellent | 4.0 | 90 or above
B+ | Very good | 3.5 | 85-90
B | Good | 3.0 | 80-84
C+ | Above average | 2.5 | 75-79
C | Average
Below Average
Fail Absence
Fail Retake
Pass: Grades of “P” are computed into the student’s cumulative grade.
Failure: Grades of “F” are not computed into student’s cumulative grade percentage average, once the student has repeated and passed the failed subject.
Transfer of Credit: Grades for subjects taken at another college or university do not enter into the computation of the cumulative grade percentage average.
Averaging Grade: A grade percentage average (G.P.A) is determined for each student at the end of each semester. The year to date average is computed by multiplying the number of semester hours of credit of each course by the percentage grade then adding them. The sum total is then divided by the total number of semester hours of credit for which the student has received a grade.
Change of Grade: No grade may be changed after it has been submitted to the administration officer without the approval of the academic council.
The New Admission application to COTHM is now open! Start your application today and get connected to a counselor so you can see if COTHM is the right place for you.
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