Completing a hospitality course from COTHM leads the graduates to further study pathways in the field of hospitality management . Our international office guides the pass outs as to pursuing their study in the renowned affiliated hotel schools in all regions of the world.
Associate Degree in Tourism & Hospitality Management – University of the Punjab
Home » Associate Degree in Tourism & Hospitality Management – University of the Punjab
Intermediate/ A-level
2 Years
All qualifications of COTHM Pakistan & Dubai are awarded by the highly-recognized national and topnotch British, European, Canadian, and American awarding bodies. These qualifications are highly-acclaimed by the hospitality and tourism industry globally and the graduates stand a great chance of employment and career development.
Bachelors’ Science in Tourism & Hospitality Management (Associate Degree) has been designed after extensive feedback from the local and international employers of hospitality; travel and tourism industry and research work on the human resource need and requirement of the industry. Bachelors in Hospitality Management will be a two years program, covering all key areas of hospitality management and operations, offering a vertical mobility path to Master’s in Hospitality & Tourism Management. This qualification leads to employment and self-employment opportunities for the graduates. Since the industry is global and expanding with every passing day, it has twofold employment opportunities; local and international. The program will focus on the optimal realization of the potential of students. It will develop and train professionally-qualified and competent hospitality professionals through a rigorous training process, which will equip the students with soft skills, technical knowledge, positive mental attitude, and work ethics to serve the hospitality, travel & tourism industry internationally.
Semester I
Sr. | Code | Course | Type | Credit Hours |
1. | THM-101 | English I (Functional English) | Compulsory | 03 |
2. | THM-102 | Islamic Studies /Ethics & Pakistan Studies | Compulsory | 03 |
3. | THM-103 | Foundation I: Introduction to Tourism & Hospitality | Foundation | 03 |
4. | THM-104 | General I: Principles of Management | General | 03 |
5. | THM-105 | General II: Cultural History of Pakistan | General | 03 |
6. | THM-106 | Major I: Front Office Operations and Management | Major | 03 |
Total Credit Hours 18
Semester II
Sr. | Code | Course | Type | Credit Hours |
1. | THM-201 | English II (Communication Skills) | Compulsory | 03 |
2. | THM-202 | Introduction to Computer | Compulsory | 03 |
3. | THM-203 | Mathematics | Compulsory | 03 |
4. | THM-204 | Foundation II: Pakistan–Tourist Destinations Foundation | Foundation | 03 |
5. | THM-205 | Major II: Tourism: Concepts and Principles Major | Foundation | 03 |
6. | THM-206 | Major III: Tourism Marketing | Major | 03 |
Total Credit Hours 18
Semester III
Sr. | Code | Course | Type | Credit Hours |
1. | THM-301 | English III: Technical Writing and Presentation Skills | Compulsory | 03 |
2. | THM-302 | Foundation III: Sustainable Tourism | Foundation | 03 |
3. | THM-303 | Major IV: Heritage Management | Major | 03 |
4. | THM-304 | Major V:Travels and Tour Operations | Major | 03 |
5. | THM-305 | Major VI: Sports and Adventure Tourism | Major | 03 |
6. | THM-306 | Major VII: Project Management | Major | 03 |
Total Credit Hours 18
Semester IV
Sr. | Code | Course | Type | Credit Hours |
1. | THM-401 | Foundation IV: House Keeping Operation and Management | Foundation | 03 |
2. | THM-402 | Major VIII: Culinary Arts | Major | 03 |
3. | THM-403 | Major IX: THESIS / INTERNSHIP | Major | 06 |
Total Credit Hours 12
Grand Total (I+II+III+IV) 66
Completing a hospitality course from COTHM leads the graduates to further study pathways in the field of hospitality management .
Our international office guides the pass outs to pursue their study in the renowned affiliated hotel schools in all regions of the world.
Total Charges:
550,000/- PKR
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