Why Choose COTHM

The only hotel school of Pakistan internationally recognized, affiliated and accredited by top ranking British, European and American awarding bodies for Gold standard Hospitality, Travel, Tourism, Culinary Arts, Baking and Food Safety education and training

The only hotel school of Pakistan having 16 fully equipped campuses across Pakistan

COTHM is the only institute in Pakistan to offer live IATA Training to its Travel, Tourism and Airline Management students

The only hotel school of Pakistan having exclusive International awards and maintaining updated

International standards academic and training/learning resource including books, research papers

The only hotel school of Pakistan globally connected with hotel and culinary schools, colleges and universities of international repute to facilitate students’ credit transfers for further education internationally

The only hotel school of Pakistan having highly competent team of professionally qualified, foreign trained teachers and trainers

The only hotel school of Pakistan offering affordable fee packages, scholarship programs and opportunities to participate in International study tours, competitions and cultural exchange programs internationally

The only hotel school of Pakistan making arrangements for employment and career development of pass outs in local and international market.

President Message

Choosing a career can be made easy simply by applying three fundamental principles.

You must be satisfied that there will be career opportunities at the completion of your education and training. That there will be real prospects for future advancement.The nature of your career is personally fulfilling and rewarding. Hospitality & Tourism offer all the above in abundance.

I am very happy to have witnessed the tremendous progress achieved by COTHM over the past few years. The future is bound to be even brighter, considering the high quality of management and staff, the continuously upgraded facilities, the caliber and motivation of the students, the variety of internationally-accredited programs of study and the geographical expansion, which now covers the entire country along with expansions in the UAE.

I’m glad that at COTHM, students’ future is in safe and secure hands. The knowledge and training being imparted here is up to date and modern. A bright professional career awaits COTHM’s students both in and out of Pakistan.

Best Wishes,

Antonis Charalambides

Honorary President COTHM Group of Colleges, Pakistan

CEO’s Message

I warmly welcome you to the College of Tourism & Hotel Management (COTHM) Pakistan Dubai.

Hospitality, travel & tourism industry is one of adherent growing sector of economy of our time and being aware of its global perspective and largest contribution towards GDP, we have been constantly embarking on imparting a great deal of knowledge, skills, abilities and attitude required for the students to meet and exceed the expectations of the employers. We are seeking to unlock the potential of every individual by providing international qualifications which in turns opening gates to tremendous global career opportunities for them.

In order to meet the rising demand for hospitality education, we have expanded our school network to all major cities of Pakistan. We are committed to serving hospitality, travel, tourism by producing world-class professionals. Education is a lifelong experience. Hospitality, travel, tourism, and culinary arts programs at COTHM facilitate that process with progression through the flexible entry and exit routes. While the attainment of educational awards is important, personality development is another facet of a student’s education that COTHM provides with responsibility. responsibility.

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Our mission is to  develop and train professionally-qualified and competent hospitality professionals through a rigorous training process, which equips the students with soft skills, technical

Admission Policies

Application Form A student wishing to attend COTHM shall complete an application form. This application form shall be signed by the student and his-her financial